ROM GingerSnap v2.3 For Callisto
original ROM by neko95, porting by anveshparashar
-base cm7.2 ajay yang udah stabil
-LG 2.0 UI, based on CyanogenMOD, Hybrid ROM
-Working LG 2.0 Stock Launcher, Widgets SNS, Goodies, Stock LG2 keyboard multi-lang almost all supported
-Stock Optimus 2.0 HYBRID UI, O2x-ONET-OBLACK with Revamped cosmetics
-PURE PORTED STOCK LG widgets, Modified and optimized
-Bloatware free and smart zipaligned (less RAM usage) script v6?
-Minimal Applications Included, ONLY STOCK
-GApps Integrated,
-Updated Host add blocking support (adfree)
-Supports Statusbar transparency (black statusbar by default)
-SMART SMS/Messaging Close to STOCK Like!
-Smooth spinners on Ginger Bread v1.5 below only
-Minimal Ringtones, UI sound and notifications (LG stock L7 TW ICS GB MI fusion)
-Supports apps2sd scripts for EXT partitions, requirements EXT3 or EXT4
-Great Music Experience though xLOUD and Beats Audio mod -Extra vividness on Images and Videos through Bravia Engine
instal :
1. Khusus buat yang belum instal cwm, instal dulu cwm (ClockworkMod). flashing via odin as one package.
2. Instal via cwm, rom yang udah di download
3. Wipe data dan Wipe cache (bagusnya sebelum dan sesudah instal rom di wipe data/cache)
4. Fix Permission
5. Reboot
Untuk settingan biar lebih maksmial + tidak FC :
1. disable boot animation
2. Enable Compcache dan di set 26%
3. Use 16 Bit Transparency (dicentang)
4. Allow purging of assets (di centang)
5. Overclock nyampe 729 mhz (mau di set 600mhz jga silahkan)
6. min di set 245 mhz
7. pake governor nya yang interactiveX
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